The full version of the Football Manager 2021 will be released on Tuesday, November 9, 2021. It also means one thing – my custom FM Rensie skin for the new edition will be published. Straight after I will be able to check all the panels and widgets to see if it works well and without some issues.
I remember I had a post about the graphical additions to the game in the past. Probably during FM16 or FM17, I’m not sure right now.
The Football Manager 2022 edition will bring my 6th custom skin already. With every skin, I’m answering the same questions.
What logo pack are you using? What kits are you using? Why I don’t have the stadium pictures in the club overview? What face pack are you using? I think this page can help you. If you will check this of course.
Time from to time, I like to make my own kits, usually, just for the team I play with but the rest of the kits are the FC’12 kits.
You can find all the FC’12 kits that are made by the Allstar kitmakers team for the Football Manager 2022 official football season 2021/22 in the link below.
All the kits are absolutely perfect and they fit any skin you will use. All the credit goes to the Allstar kitmakers team in the lead with FM Slovakia. You should follow their social media channels to be up to date with new or updated packs.
Face pack(s)
There will be two links. The reason is simple – I like to use both DF11 faces and Cut-Out faces. The custom skin I’ve been using for years is adapted for both versions and for both sizes. Both these packs are updated regularly. DF11 faces are updated monthly, Cut-Out pack is updated not at some exact date. But if you have an account on, you can for example see which updated pack you already downloaded (big thumbs up for this).
Newgen Faces + newgen faces script
I’m sure many of us were at the point when we were not satisfied with how the newgen faces looked in the game when they started taking over the save. Some FM players pay for “better” newgen faces.
But you don’t have to pay for it.
I like to use the exported FIFA faces. You can use the faces manually and create your own face pack with the config file, the same as you would do with real pictures. That’s up to you. Or you can use the Newgen faces script (with ethnicity and hair colour) made by @Krysler. All instructions are in the link.
If you’ve followed my FM21 save in Sweden, you already saw these FIFA faces on the screens as I’ve used it for half of the save.
Edit in October 2023: If someone would be able to export newest FIFA faces, just let me know :-)
Logo pack
This is a very simple part of this page. I will be always the biggest fan of the Standard Logo Pack as this pack contains everything that you need. If you’re not a fan of some fancy logos or logos with some effects. That’s nothing for me. I like to check the page for updates to have the logo pack up to date.
Edit in October 2023: Unfortunately, this Standard logo pack has not been updated since 2022, so before FM24, I decided to download the TCM Logos Megapack.
Mini Stadiums
The last addon I’m using regularly. I like to have the stadium panel in the club overview and I also added the stadium picture to the stadium overview screen. There is also a different pack with more pictures but I like to use the pack named FMT Stadium Superpack.
The main reason is that other packs contain pictures with a smaller resolution. Usually with a width of 400px. But the pack made by “geordie1981” includes pictures with a resolution of 800×480.
I could increase the size of the stadium widget in the club overview in the past thanks to this. And the pictures are not blurred. The best thing is that you can always make the picture on your own.
Just buy/download your favourite picture of the stadium you want and save it with the right unique ID. This ID belongs to the stadium, not to the club.
These pictures won’t work with the default skin when playing the full version of the game. You need some custom skin with the panels/widgets for the stadium overview. These pictures are also not meant to work as background pictures.
If I wrote about the fact you can make the mini-stadium picture on your own, it applies to logos too. If you find some wrong logo (club/competition/nation), just tell about that the author. He can update the pack and you will help others to have it updated.
Competition Colour Fix
Most of the competitions in the Football Manager don’t have the right colour combination due to natural things like licensing or just poor research or work within the database.
This fix is very useful if you want to have colours of the English Premier League with the right colours exactly as you like to use the real name fix.
Serie A example
All sites with the add-ons I shared above offer all the important instructions on how to install everything and where to place it.
But the most typical things you have to do are:
Place the extracted add-ons in the following directory of your computer system:
WINDOWS: Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2022\graphics
MAC: Users\Username\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2022\graphics
Run Football Manager 2022 and go to: Preferences > Advanced > Interface
Make sure that you tick the check box on the page called “Reload skin when confirming changes in Preferences” and un-tick the box saying “Use caching to decrease page loading times”. Hit Confirm.
PS: If you want to have default national flags in club/nation/players screens, just delete the national flags folder from the Standard Logos pack (or a different pack) and reload or restart the game.
You can use these add-ons already during the beta version of FM22.
And thanks to everyone for their contribution to these add-ons!