Latte Quarterly - a development ☕📖

Dear Readers,

In the last couple of years I have developed an intolerance to coffee, which sucks.  But at least coffee helped me through the first 6-7 years of fatherhood.  Whilst it irks me that I’ll never taste my favourite fruity Colombian blend again, there is a certain amount of comic irony in how I continue to administrate the website, and co-edit the Latte Quarterly e-magazine.  It seems coffee and I remain inseparable

At the time of writing this, Latte Quarterly e-magazine has been going for three full years now.  A quarterly cycle has been maintained, and we’ve seen it flourish into a cult favourite for a fair few folk.  Matt (fmadventure) and I have always been guys to dwell on things (a trait that can be seen as both negative as well as positive in FM).  Afterall, the e-magazine itself took about a year to get off the ground,  but it's been a collaboration I’ll never regret.  It has always been our intention to one day print LQ…at a time when print is in decline and writing about Football Manager has been dwarfed by the visual side of content creation.  But that does not bother us, we’re still committed to doing this more than ever.

So, I am delighted to report we’re almost there.  A physical copy of LQ at a relatively low fee in order to recover its cost if a certain number of copies are sold each quarter.  That’s where you come in.  Do you want a physical copy sent to your door, ensuring you’ll be the coolest person in the coffeehouse next time you visit?  You’ll be an environmentalist too, as it’s printed on recycled silk paper, carefully edited and composed by the most ardent of FM fans.  I feel you want this…maybe even deserve it, for sticking by us.

A printed version of Latte Quarterly Issue 12 (August 2022) is now available to buy for £3 (plus £1.50 postage) for UK readers on  We have a Patreon for £2 per month to support us too, with quarterly issues henceforth delivered to your door.  If none of this interests you, but you still just want to buy us a coffee…you can do that also on the coffeehouse page.


Our Patreon:

But please don’t worry if you do not have money to spare on this, or are worried about the future of the magazine, it will always be available to read online for free.  It continues to be Matt and I’s insanely geeky hobby, and we’ll strive to always do our best with this.

Thank you for reading,

Tony / FM Grasshopper