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#FM16Beta - who needs staff?

STOP PRESS. The FM16 beta is out! Meaning that this blogpost and the next two (06 & 13 Nov) will be analysing the FM database in order to fully comprehend the Grasshopper Club Zürich (GCZ) FM16 challenge. I will be managing GCZ but please note this is NOT my official save. I plan to start the proper project at 00:01 on Friday 13 November (in full suit attire of course).

Today's blog is rather hurried as I have only been able to dedicate 7 hours to the beta (and I am yet to hit Continue!). I discuss the backroom staff at GCZ, or most importantly the lack of it:

You will note from the above image that there is a serious lack of staff at GCZ. In particular no Physio or Head of Youth Development...critical roles for the season(s) ahead. More on Head of Youth Development can be read on respected FM blogger Cleon's blog from yesterday afternoon.

After a bit of searching, Zvonko Radic seems to be a realistic target (only £2k compensation fee required) to take up the important role of developing youth at GCZ. Radic has good stats for the level of GCZ and also provides me with a gateway into the Eastern Europe with his scouting knowledge of Serbia and Russia:

I spoke last week about bringing back former GCZ players as staff members. Well my number 1 target, Blaise Nfuko, is interested in joining as an U18 youth coach! Blaise is a keen motivator with respectable stats in Attacking and Determination. 

Finally, I found a decent physio from the Netherlands. Meet Ronald Vermeer:

Future blogs...

I plan to invest a lot more research time into the beta during the next week and I plan to structure the next two Friday blogs in two parts:

Part 1: Review of GCZ's playing staff & likely tactics (Friday 06 November 2015)

Part 2: Potential GCZ targets for 2015/16 and beyond... (Friday 13 November 2015)

FM16 will be in our lives after these posts and I plan to start blogging the weekly happenings within my save. Also a YouTube channel will follow in time, which will upload certain goals and highlights to further document the GCZ journey. For now, enjoy the beta friends...

FM Grasshopper